

This is a place for all the dirty laundry of Syria. The real Syria away from Academics, Journalists, and Intellectuals jabbering about Bathism, Arabism, Totalitarianism, and all the big talk that they invented just to give credibility to analyses and meaning to events. In day-to-day life, there is no Arabism, there is no Bathism, there is not even a Syria as they are displayed in all the writings around this world.

This blog is by Karfan, whose name means disgusted. Generaly disgusted with life and everything in it. Recently, disgusted with all those who are trying to make a living from giving false and fictitious analyses about Syria and with those who believe them.

I am his freind, I write Karfan's bullshit in English because he thinks that anyone who lives in Syria knows about this bullshit and there is no need to put it for them in Arabic.

Karfan says that this blog is about the reality of Syria from within for those of us who forgot this reality and believed recently a big lie: that we actually have a normal country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a wonderful introduction to the Syria that many outside will never know.

every time that i have visited Syria in the last few years i put on the country a shorter life span.

i would just say that i am worried about the future of Syria. wonderful people but am worried that the place they live in will become another footnote in the press about all the bad things that could happen when no one cares!

21/3/05 22:33  
Blogger jp said...

Very glad to meet you, friend and Karfan. I hope to chat with you frequently. I am writing from New York City, and hope we can arrange for you a better government!

21/3/05 23:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we really do not need to be more depressed. And pls, Arabism is not Bullshit, it is the ideal way for those people, in their differant sects, to live and work together, Or else!!
Moreover, if the imigrants Americans created an ID for themselves, how could anybody deny the Arabic ID. It is a fucking shame to do that.

By the way, if you really want the people to think like you, and hopefully they won't, civil wars will destroy our countries. And kiss our homeland Goodbye.

22/3/05 23:40  
Blogger s.H.i.K.o said...

Anonymous said...
"By the way, if you really want the people to think like you, and hopefully they won't, civil wars will destroy our countries."

Wars already destroyed our countries only because of that Arabism Bullshit!!!

10/4/05 02:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always wondered, how could they be so much za3ran in the world. I understand that one, two, three, maybe and even four criminals can get together and do bad stuff.
But how can all the moukhabarat (which I heard form a huge portion of the population) go ahead jailing and torturing innocent people. How do they find so many criminal people?

16/4/05 04:49  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"By the way, if you really want the people to think like you, and hopefully they won't, civil wars will destroy our countries. And kiss our homeland Goodbye. "

watch lebanon. If there is no civil war after syria and its lebanese disciples loose power over there, then I dont see why there should be one in syria. Oh, I forgot, syrian people are pathetic!
Well if you want to defeat yourself like that then nobody can help you!

16/4/05 04:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Very glad to meet you, friend and Karfan. I hope to chat with you frequently. I am writing from New York City, and hope we can arrange for you a better government!"

Arrange?? Please reflect on this quote:
"Give food to the starving, and they will only multiply."

16/4/05 05:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Franz Kafka in Syria; this is the most dramatic blog I have ever read. There seems to be many such blogs, similar to yours coming from throughout the Arab world. The ones from Iraq seem different now.

16/4/05 05:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Karfan..
Overall, i could'nt agree with you more, but for God sake, stop giving us more rubish.i know all of that eventhough i am an 18 year-old, syrian student in the US.
Would'nt it be better, for you and for us, to turn the mechanism of you Brillian brain on, and start thinking about the potential soulutions for our miserablr situation. Stressing again, that everyboy knows what you are talking about.
Furthermore, could you please, make it clearer. I mean, what are you saying besides Fucking Arabism, Dickheads, Countless Myths, and other useless points.

23/5/05 10:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Syrian expat above,
You really need to re-read the About section again! This site is not intended for Syrians, otherwise Karfan and his friend would have written it in Arabic. They ve already said every Syrian knows what is written in here and they just wanted us, ignorant westerners (ignorant about Syria of course), to know it.

23/5/05 14:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

listen guys
After september 11, United States goverment start to treat arabs worse than syrian Mukhabarat. I really start to say to myself: the american took training courses from syrian mukhabarat.They asked me for interview and took all the information about me exactly like Mukhabarat branch 999. They also look at you in suspecious way excactly like mukhabarat.

26/5/05 05:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi im khaled

22/8/05 05:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not understand :

why : we feel that there is no clear VISION and team work thinking in Syria ????!!!!

why : we can not have free and private media newpapaers and TVs , so we can also talk to others and express our point of views in a free way ??

why :not the government integrates the 17mio Syrians and also the 17mio emigrated ones , to read the world situation in a more clear and realistic way ??

why :we do not discuss openly the power balance in the world which at the end of the day dectates the world ?

why :we can not participate in the sience and developments in the world to be a respected accordingly ?

why :we can not produce the needle , which we have to import , otherswise we will be nacked !!!?

there is thousands of why's which we ourselves should answer .

31/10/05 06:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Where I am, the Government & media, largely synonmous,has presented the middle-east - that's where you are at - as one entity. A massive Arab Muslim society troubled by tiny Israel. Well, Malaysia is a Muslim country ( 52 % of the population at least ) and looks like we are given the self-same bullshit like everyone of you guys.


We are constantly warned to stand at guard and reject 'foreign influences' or we will end up 'neo-colonised'- what ever that means. Gov't plus media plead to us to stand back-to-back or else we will be divided and get taken over by these western imperialist, etc.,etc. Fear tactics thats all that is really.

Your piece is funny, it really was - sad though it is what is actually happening; when wealth suckers at the top con masses of people to believe in a BELIEF, just so to keep that elusive grip on POWER and the horn of plenty.

4/11/05 20:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kus imak aala ayree you piece of shit.

if it wasnt for Al Marhoum Mr. President Hafez Al Assad and the mukhabarat then Syria would have been run by psycho muslem fundamentalists.

6/9/06 03:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karfan,I hate you mother fucker,just because you got into my head.

21/10/06 05:04  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karfan;myth No.4:We are not Pathetic is absolutly wrong,we are just stuped.

21/10/06 05:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what guys, the world sucks and were all going to die..Just hope what you do in life helps you out when you die.

17/3/07 08:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

karfan,are you still with us?
nothing new since august2006.
give us a sign you still alive.

18/3/07 02:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I always wondered, how could they be so much za3ran in the world. I understand that one, two, three, maybe and even four criminals can get together and do bad stuff.
But how can all the moukhabarat (which I heard form a huge portion of the population) go ahead jailing and torturing innocent people. How do they find so many criminal people?
HEHE you said it yourself how can there be so many criminals...? it isn't possible maybe... just maybe.. there right and your wrong?

23/10/07 11:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karfan,are you still alive?
i think the moukhabarat got you!
the only way out is to get red of all the alawi mother fuckers.
even if the oposition come back on top of american tanks.
forgin occupation is better than this

31/10/07 22:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was the last posting for this blog in 2006?? Great stuff!

6/8/08 15:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply a load of bullshit.

Good ghost writing of some one who is probably from a country to the South-West of Syria - at any rate not a Syrian.

The Syrians I know love their country and cherish their history and live to build a better future...

2/3/09 07:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, i am breton from Brittany. I fought ten years for the politic independance of my country. I let the youngers people do it now, i what are the arabic people do and i think if we were no white it should be easyer to be independant of france. Why i write you because becare full, what i see it s that people want democraty and all will have Republic, it is better than a dictature but think that no one of people will really see the change if they will just have a senat, a parlement a president and the same public worker and police men.
Democraty could be a senat, no parlement, every ministry composed of 11 elected representatives. And locally and on a local level from local ministries which manage daily business.

18/2/11 10:41  
Anonymous annie said...

Where are you Karfan to day ?
Still alive ? In prison ? Hope you are well

1/9/11 01:14  

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